We felt like we'd been sent to death row, that is was all over for us. As it turned out, it was the best thing that could have happened.
Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits to get out of it, we were forced to trust God totally - not a bad idea since he's the God who raises the dead! And he did it, rescued us from certain doom. And he'll do it again, rescuing us as many times as we need rescuing.
You and your prayers are part of that rescue operation - I don't want you in the dark about that either. I can see your faces even now, lifted in praise for God's deliverance of us, a rescue in which your prayers played such a crucial part. 2 Corinthians 1:9-11 The Message
This scripture so aptly describes what we have experienced over the past 5.5 years. The doctors, as wonderful and caring as they have been had no long-term answers for Victoria. We were and are forced to trust God totally.
This scripture also importantly describes the importance of every prayer that you have ever prayed for Victoria. Please don't ever think that they haven't made a difference. It is exactly as this scripture says - they have played a crucial part. Thank you. And here is a thank you from Victoria, please click here to watch the video.
Victoria continues to enjoy swimming competitions, broadening her abilities by now competing in backstroke and freestyle as well as breaststroke. The photo above shows the joy she had when she finished her first backstroke race.
As normal it continues to be a family affair. Charlotte took on the role of coach this time, helping Victoria with the start of her backstroke race.
One of Victoria's school friends supported Victoria at this swimming carnival. Victoria has been blessed with a beautiful caring and encouraging group of friends. We are grateful for every on of them.
These swimming and athletics days do take a toll on Victoria's body - they actually absolutely exhaust her. We are slowly learning how to manage the next day muscle pain with heat packs, hot baths and some rest.
The regular arm, hand and leg therapy continues. Making chocolate chip cookies is always a favourite bi-lateral arms and hands activity. Thank you to the girls who come ready and willing each day to help Victoria improve her arm and leg functionality.
When we received the news of Victoria's scan in May I knew there would be some things I would have to process after 5.5 years of trusting that God's healing power would manifest in Victoria. So I asked God to show me what to start with. He said, "Let yourself dream again."
Upon hearing this from God I realised that since January 2011 when I heard the neurologist's words and our world was shattered, I had stopped dreaming of good futures for our children, our marriage and myself. Through the fear of disappointment, I had slowly slipped subconsciously into this default mode of thinking 'our life is hard, but God will get us through.' I had essentially reduced our 'world' to always being like our current circumstances.
"Okay God, show me how to dream again," I prayed.
For a few weeks after this various sermons I listened to at church or on CD were all making mention of dreams. Without me talking to anyone about this friends gave me gifts that related to dreaming. One was a beautiful prayer box, that already has seven specific big dreams in it for myself, our marriage and our family. It is so exciting - watch this space!!!!!
Thank you again for standing with our family and continuing to pray for Victoria. The key prayer needs are
1. That Victoria will know that she is loved by God
2. Complete disintegration of the tumour
3. Complete restoration of left arm, hand, leg and foot
When we received the news of Victoria's scan in May I knew there would be some things I would have to process after 5.5 years of trusting that God's healing power would manifest in Victoria. So I asked God to show me what to start with. He said, "Let yourself dream again."
Upon hearing this from God I realised that since January 2011 when I heard the neurologist's words and our world was shattered, I had stopped dreaming of good futures for our children, our marriage and myself. Through the fear of disappointment, I had slowly slipped subconsciously into this default mode of thinking 'our life is hard, but God will get us through.' I had essentially reduced our 'world' to always being like our current circumstances.
"Okay God, show me how to dream again," I prayed.
For a few weeks after this various sermons I listened to at church or on CD were all making mention of dreams. Without me talking to anyone about this friends gave me gifts that related to dreaming. One was a beautiful prayer box, that already has seven specific big dreams in it for myself, our marriage and our family. It is so exciting - watch this space!!!!!
Thank you again for standing with our family and continuing to pray for Victoria. The key prayer needs are
1. That Victoria will know that she is loved by God
2. Complete disintegration of the tumour
3. Complete restoration of left arm, hand, leg and foot
I life up my eyes to the mountains -
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip -
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you -
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm -
he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forever.
he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forever.
Psalm 121 NIV