Friday, January 25, 2013

24 January 2013

We thank God that Victoria was able to have chemo yesterday so she can now attend the first 3 days of school next week.

Occupational Therapy Update

During the visit we met with Victoria's occupational therapist who did another school readiness assessment on Victoria. The assessment showed improvement in her motor-planning regarding writing, pencil grip and paper cutting, which is all very positive. She also provided some helpful hints for Victoria in the class room. One hint was to put stickers in the left hand margin of the page to help Victoria find the left hand side of the page due to the field vision loss. Without the stickers, Victoria starts to write about half way across the left page.
Bravery Beads

At the end of each hospital visit, the nurses give Victoria, (and siblings if they are there), bravery beads for various events that have taken place. For example: Green beads for clinic visits; Purple beads for Chemotherapy treatment; Stars for port accessing; WOW beads for being fantastic.
These beads provide such encouragement to the children and acknowledge what they have done on each hospital visit.
Currently the bravery beads are safely stored in some beautiful boxes given to us by one of the very thoughtful school teachers. They take pride of place in the kitchen.
Some of the mums have embroidered them on to calico teddy bears or quilts. We are not sure what we will do with ours at this stage.
Charlotte - The A1 Supporter
Charlotte once again accompanied us to the hospital and was wonderful support. I decided to reward her diligence and thoughtfulness towards her sister by letting her buy a piece of clothing...
Charlotte has been an absolute blessing to Victoria on these hospital visits, keeping her entertained and showing compassion when the various procedures are being done. I believe these experiences of these hospital visits and the understanding she has gained, will help her to cope with the challenges that lie ahead this year.

The questions begin

During the past couple of weeks Victoria has started to ask questions. Why am I the only one in our family who has a port? Why am I the only one who has to do chemotherapy? Why am I the only one who has to wear a splint?

My response was, "I don’t know why you are the only one in our family who has to go through these things. But God has given you all you need to deal with this. He knows you can cope with it."

I then went on to explain to Victoria that I send emails to people asking them to pray for her. She was very pleased about that.

We then sat down and together looked through a book I have created for her with all the photos that I have attached to the emails, and printed out comments and scriptures that people have emailed or texted in relation to her courage and bravery. The purpose of this was to remind Victoria of all the things she has already overcome, and of all the people who are praying for her, and of the immense love of her heavenly father.

I thank God for the wisdom and foresight God gave me in putting this book together late last year, knowing that the extra encouragement was going to be needed as Victoria's world view widens.
I believe that this scripture is going to be a key one for Victoria in the coming months and years ....
No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down, he'll never let you be pushed past your limit, he'll always be there to help you through it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 (The Message)

Thank you for your continuing prayers and support, particularly as Victoria has the MRI next week and we receive the results on Wednesday 6th February. We continue to thank God for all He has done, all He is doing, and all He is going to do.


Anonymous said...

Auntie Bhodi here.....It is great to hear things are going so well. I am happy to hear that Victoria is already to go for her first big day at school. The sticker solution is fantastic. I love the bravery beads and I look forward to seeing what becomes of them. Great to hear what a wonderful big sister Charlotte is, but no surprises there.....We are always thinking of you and sending you all blessings and prayers.....

Anonymous said...

It would be a hard conversation to have with Victoria. Why her. Charlotte looks so gorgeous and such wonderful she's giving her sister. Love the beads too.