Thursday, February 21, 2013

21 February 2013

Victoria had enough neutrophils to have chemo yesterday. Praise God.

After discussing schooling impacts with Victoria's teacher I decided to change Victoria's treatment day to Wednesday, mid-morning, with the approval of the doctors of course. This means Victoria can go to school and learn the phonogram for the day, and then go to hospital and do her homework! Well, that is the theory anyway. You can see in the photo below, that whilst the pens and papers are out, the girls focus is elsewhere - watching a DVD.
This change in routine also means that Alexandra will be joining us each Wednesday. She is now old enough to sit for the required length of time! If necessary we can go for a walk with the buzzer (see it on the table) whilst waiting for the blood test results to come back, and the receptionist will buzz us when the doctor needs us to return. We normally have to wait 45 minutes to an hour for the blood to be analysed.
This afternoon I have had an interesting telephone conversation with Victoria's Occupational Therapist. We were discussing Victoria's eyesight and she suggested I try the following, to understand better what Victoria can and can't see. Why not give it a go....
1. Put on a pair of glasses
2. On the left lense, put a yellow post it note covering from the centre of the lense to the outside of your face
3. On the right lense, put a yellow post it note covering from the centre of the lens to your nose
Now you have the exact same vision as Victoria! And we have a better understanding why Victoria tilts her head to the right when she is writing! And so the learning goes on.
Victoria continues to love school and learning the phonograms. Tomorrow she starts circuit training for sport which will be a bit tricky for her and the school athletics carnival is in the next 2 weeks.
Please pray that Victoria will not lose confidence and will not stop trying to participate in these physically challenging activities. We believe she will indeed be victorious in all areas of her life and that she will know the peace of her heavenly Father.
When I said, "My foot is slipping", your love, O LORD supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. Psalm 94:18-19

1 comment:

Corinne P said...

Oh my I just did that test with my glasses and paper but that's very restrictive. Good to read that the change of day works well for school and routines.