Monday, November 7, 2016

We choose to trust

Tomorrow Victoria has her scan. Here is a poem I wrote today as I reflected on the emotions that come during the lead up to a scan .....

Ten days out
the sore tummy starts
in the morning before getting out of bed
Tears come too
“I can’t go to school
My head hurts, my tummy hurts.” Nine years old

Big blue eyes
looking up at me
looking for the reassurance I can’t give

“Let’s get up
I’ll help you today
which uniform do you wear to school today?”

“I’m scared Mum,”
I respond, “I know”
Pause, asking for the right words, “We have to trust Him.”

“It’s hard Mum”
I respond, “I know”
I look into her eyes, together we cry

We hug close
I begin to pray,
“Dear Jesus, we’re trusting You for healing here

Only You
Your mercy and grace
Will do what is needed here, please bring your peace

To this child
this beautiful child
who loves You so much, and knows You love her too.

We trust You
Jesus, on this day,
that you won’t leave or forsake her. Amen.

We hug close
precious child of God.
She needs You Lord, please show her Your love today.

One day out
sore tummy again
tomorrow brain MRI at hospital

Six years now
many scans she’s had.
Tomorrow again we choose to trust You Lord.

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